Nature & Inquiry Site  

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Five Ideas HomeFive Ideas is the culmination of many years of discussion, debate and research by the members of Nature and Inquiry. The group has been meeting regularly for over twenty years. These artists have developed a unique presentational style that combines conceptual rigor, humor and debate in a form that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Audience members often leave Nature and Inquiry events intellectually satisfied and conceptually provoked.

Nature and Inquiry began a series of informal evenings, open to the public, at Massachusetts College of Art entitled, the Nature and Inquiry Artists Series, in 1998. During these evenings, artists in the group present ideas that they have been exploring followed by a discussion of these ideas with the audience. The group has also presented evenings at the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Habitat Institute in Belmont, and various art venues. In recent years, members of the group have individually presented work at Harvard University's Tozzer Library, Harvard Medical School's Vanderbilt Hall, Tufts University Galleries, and University of Wales, UK.

The Nature and Inquiry artist group includes five men and women whose ages span four decades. But what ties them together is their collective embrace of scientific principles as the foundation of their work. They connect information across diverse disciplines, creating new ways of thinking about themselves and the environment.

It's not unusual for artists today to incorporate newly developed technologies in their work, producing unique, often unforeseeable art forms. This group does the same with scientific information. But unlike scientists, who often devote entire lifetimes of research to one discipline, artists have the freedom to examine relationships among disciplines, combining information in unforeseen ways and reaching new levels of understanding. Rather than echoing or commenting on existing scientific models and theories, the members of Nature and Inquiry are dedicated to creating them.

"We believe, if art has an historical direction, it is its continual expression of natural truths laid so bare and evident they can't help but resonate with the human spirit. That direction forms the core of art's vital history-a fundamental human drive to know ourselves fully and to express what we know."

With Five Ideas, in the mail, online and in person, the Nature and Inquiry group present their ideas to you - open to challenge, discussion and, especially, curiosity.

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Mail Address:
Nature and Inquiry
POB 441211
Somerville, MA 02144

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